Hope for Veterans waiting in the never-ending benefits line?

Photograph of Civil War soldiers in a hospital, circa 1963. U.S. National Archives

The VA has reportedly hired more people to help reduce the backlog.  Too many veterans have been waiting for benefits for too long.  I am helping veterans in their 70s who have been waiting eight years for resolution.  Writing letters to your Senators might help.  But I have my doubts.

In any event, here's to any good news!

Of late, the VA has reportedly hired more claims processors, revamped its training regimen and made it a standing requirement employees work 20 hours of overtime each month to clear the backlog, and -- perhaps most notably -- instituted a new computer system allowing workers to consider a vet’s injuries with a few mouse clicks.


BUSTED: VA Employee takes bribes.


Agent Orange in Okinawa: There is a cover-up happening before our eyes.