Jesse Barnes WINS -- Proves AGENT ORANGE exposure along the DMZ.

Jesse Barnes, after seven years of fighting, won last week in front of the Board of Veteran's Appeals. He proved that he was exposed to Agent Orange along the DMZ in Korea. It was a struggle because his engineering unit was not one that the VA decided to automatically presume to be exposed to the herbicide.We won his case by researching libraries in Washington, D.C., for evidence of his unit's movements in Korea.  We also found pay records and TDY assignments that established his whereabouts. His unit, the 76th Engineer Battalion, worked along the DMZ paving roads, but as far as I can tell, this is the first time that a member of the unit has convinced the Board that he was exposed to dioxins.Mr. Barnes's case proves once again that there is no good substitute for elbow grease.  Especially when you're pursuing an out-of-the-ordinary compensation claim.Mr. Barnes' attorney, Dan Curry, can be contacted at 877.VET.WINS. 


James Montgomery: Spray-painting military aircraft is not good for the health.


Ron Frazier in the News.