Update on Jesse Barnes: GOOD NEWS

THE BOARD OF VETERANS' APPEALS  HAS AGREED TO RECONSIDER  JESSE BARNES' CLAIM THAT HE WAS EXPOSED TO AGENT ORANGE ALONG THE DMZ!This is great news for Mr. BarnesJesse Barnes served in Company A of the 76th Engineer battalion. Unlike infantry troops, the VA in most cases does not presume that non-infantry troops were exposed to Agent Orange.Pay stubs showing he received Combat Pay. There was only one way to win combat pay in Korea -- Service in and near the DMZ.Mr. Barnes's Unit Records.  The 76th Engineer Battalion built roads throughout the 2nd Infantry division's territory. Under VA logic, 2nd Infantry units are presumed to be exposed to Agent Orange,  but  the 76th Engineer Battalion was building roads near the DMZ for the 2nd Infantry, does not.TDY assignments: Mr. Barnes was TDY'd to assist at Camp Giant, only a few miles from the DMZ.These records  convinced the Board to reconsider its denial.If anyone out there recalls seeing the 76th Engineer Battalion out paving roads along the DMZ, please contact me: 877.VET.WINS.


Ron Frazier in the News.


UPDATE ON RON FRAZIER: Journalist Jon Mitchell is doing amazing investigative journalism on Agent Orange in Okinawa.